Change Management
The only constant is change.
New challenges emerge rapidly from various directions: disruptive technologies, employee turnover, globalization, social media, new market entrants, political change, shifting regulatory environments. Executives, managers, politicians, bureaucrats, and social activists can choose to react and resist, or to proactively lead change with strategic transformation strategies.
All seasoned leaders know that real change is difficult. Studies indicate that most corporate change initiatives fail, whether in the form of TQM, Reengineering, Balanced Score Card, Six Sigma, or the most recent strategic management fad. In the public sector, promised change often comes slowly, if at all.
Leaders must understand and influence the relationships and issues that can drive change or can stop change altogether. Stakeholders can disagree on the nature of a problem or opportunity; even when the challenge is clear, people can disagree on the solution. And even when the solution is clear, how to make it happen is not. What looks good on paper can fail when real people are asked to do the real work of change.
CMPartners focuses on who needs to find common ground on what needs to change and how to get from here to there. We advise at every phase of this dynamic process, providing strategic process advice, facilitating key interactions, and training people how to work together for change. Furthermore, we equip our clients with the necessary tools to address the new challenges that change will inevitably produce.
The CMPartners approach to transformation starts with joint analysis and preparation. We then help our clients build an operational vision and stakeholder support for change. We work with our clients to identify key players, establish communication processes, anticipate and manage resistance, build coalitions, and resolve conflicts. Every step has a unique set of challenges. Each stage requires ongoing strategic analysis, tactical adjustments, and thoughtful communication across departments and constituencies.