Train the Trainer
This offering enables an organization or group to rapidly expand its capacity by developing trainers who already work within the organization.
Training of Trainers programs are developed in consultation with clients and with specific learning and programmatic goals in mind. The full course generally includes an intensive series of face-to-face workshops and consultations coupled with apprenticeship for newly trained trainers.
Trainees develop fluency in the CMPartners material, learn to build this expertise in others, and translate it into their specific organizational contexts. New trainers are able to blend the CMPartners material with insider knowledge of culture and existing best practices within their industry. This time-intensive program emphasizes peer review and feedback. A premium is placed on providing trainees opportunities to practice their new skill set prior to delivering a program within their organization.
This service offers particular advantages to organizations or groups that need to train a critical mass of staff or members within a limited time frame, are undergoing rapid expansion, or have a need for their subject matter to be presented in a specific cultural context or language.
Training of Trainers is a specialized service applicable across a range of industries and sectors. CMPartners has conducted successful training of trainers programs for clients in all areas of its practice including universities, large corporate manufacturers, energy corporations, government ministries, and peace management professionals.